
Arrival and Departure Procedures:
All children must arrive before 9:00am.  We offer a structured program that includes many activities through out the day. We begin each day with a snack at 9:00am.  If your child will be arriving after 9:00am, please inform the office via Brightwheel or a phone call.  We also ask that a Doctor's note/appointment note be provided to the office.  

Each child is required to wash their hands upon arrival.  Please instruct you child at drop off to do so.

Each morning you must accompany your child into the building and sign him/her in on the appropriate sign in/out log located on the front desk of both buildings.  Make sure you write the time of arrival and initial (do not use “Mommy” or “Daddy”). Children may NOT sign themselves or their siblings in the log.  Remember to sign you name at the end of each week verifying your child's attendance.  We have found that brief
“good-byes” have a better effect on the children as well as the parents. Once out of sight, the children adjust to their surroundings and caretakers.  

When you pick up your child, you must sign them out as well. We must be notified in anyone other than the parents will pick up your child. Notification also must be in writing and signed by the parent along with a physical description. Persons with permission to pick up your child must be listed on your Enrollment Form. Children will not be released to anyone other than those listed on said form. We will also ask for a picture ID from anyone we do not know or recognize.

Children are NOT permitted to leave the building alone. Children may not go to the parking lot or car without a parent.

If your child is a before/after schooler and rides a bus to our school, you MUST notify us if he/she will not be on the bus. We must track down your child and this can be very difficult. This is a safety precaution for your child.

If your child is picked up after six o’clock (6:00 p.m.) you will incur a late fee. This fee is two dollars, ($2.00) per minute. Said fee is paid directly to the person in charge when your child is picked up. 

A nutritious, USDA approved breakfast is served daily from 6:00am until 7:45am.  If breakfast is brought from home, it must meet the USDA requirements of a balanced breakfast.  Vitamin D milk is provided for children age one year to 36 months.  All children over the age of 36 months are provided with 1% milk.  No flavored milks are offered.  Should your child require an alternative milk, you may provide the milk and we will serve and keep inventory to let you know when supplies need to be replenished.  

All lunches provided by the school are hot, nutritious and well balanced as well as USDA approved. No food from home can be served unless medical reasons drastically restrict your child’s diet. If you child is allergic to certain foods, please inform the school in advance so substitutions may be arranged. We are very accustomed to working with food allergies as they are common in young children. A monthly menu is posted in the foyer for your convenience.  Formula and baby food is also provided for children aged sixweeks to one year of age. 

Snack Time
Snacks are provided often throughout the day and are USDA approved. Typically, a morning snack and two afternoon snacks are served. If you would like to bring special treats for your child’s class on for a special occasion, please make arrangements in advance with the school. Any items brought to the school MUST be prepared in a commercial kitchen.  (State Regulations state homemade snacks may not be served to the students. No gum is allowed in school and hard candies are limited to the older children.
Rest Time
A rest time following lunch is required for all children, ages one year to five years old.  Children may NOT bring iPads or other electronic devices to be utilized during this time. Children who do not sleep or "outgrow their naps" before the age of five years old will be allowed a quiet activity, book or puzzle so as not to disturb the children that are sleeping.

A beach towel or blanket marked with your child’s name written on the tab, should be brought to school on his/her first day. The blankets/towels are laundered by the school once per week (and as needed). Should your child have an allergy to laundry detergents, please inform the school.

Children should wear play clothes, suitable for indoor and outdoor play (according to weather conditions). Please mark jackets and sweaters with your child’s name to prevent loss. If school clothing is loaned, it should be laundered and returned as soon as possible. Please provide the school with a change of clothes in case of accidents. Also, keep potty time in mind when dressing your child. Overalls and lots of buttons are difficult for children to maneuver often causing unnecessary accidents. This can be upsetting for your child. If your child is in diapers, please remember that we have lots of diapers to change and pants with snaps in the appropriate areas are very much appreciated.

We discourage children from bringing toys, books, movies and other personal belongings from home unless arrangements have been made with his/her teacher. Suitable and secure storage space and proper care of such belongings is not available at school. We cannot be responsible for the loss or damage to items brought from home. If you do bring an item to school, please be sure your child’s name is marked clearly on the item.  Children are allowed to bring a stuffed animal for rest time as long as it does not exceed the size of a cubby.

Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are a very special time for children. If you would like for your child to celebrate his/her birthday at school, just let us know in advance. Health and insurance regulations dictate that all foods served at school be prepared in a commercial kitchen. Please purchase treats from commercial stores or bakeries such as Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc. Again, cannot serve any type of homemade foods.  Please keep nut allergies in mind as they are quite common.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parents are encouraged to confer with your child’s teacher at any time during the year. The Brightwheel App has a message center that is used specifically for this purpose.  Should you need to meet with your child's teacher, please arrange for a time in advance so as not to interfere with normal class time. Drip off and Pick Up time is NOT a good time for a lengthy conversations.

Custody of Child
We will abide by the wishes of the custodial parent, unless otherwise stated in the custody forms. We are required to keep a copy of all custody forms in your child’s file. If a disagreement occurs over the arrival or departure of a child, the police will be called and the child, along with a copy of custody papers will be turned over to the authorities. Please remember, the child is the victim of such situations and suffers deeply when parents cannot work out their differences.

If your child is a full-time student and attends year round, you will be entitled to one week of vacation that you are not required to pay tuition. You DO pay for all other holiday closings.
Discipline and guidance shall be consistent and part of the learning process. A child may be sent to a quiet or timeout chair or removed from the group if poor conduct persists. Any major persistent problem will be discussed with the parents and the parents will be asked to help with the situation. We like to work together with our parents so that the child understands consistent discipline.

Should a child become uncontrollable, the parent will be notified to pick up the child from school. If a child is at risk of hurting himself, his friends or a teacher, the parent will be notified for pick up.  If the facility is unable to keep the child safe or the child continuously tries to leave the safety of the classroom, the parent will be notified for pick up.  If this becomes a consistent problem, a parent may be asked to find more suitable arrangements for the child. This procedure is for the safety of all children in our school.

Child Abuse and Neglect
Our school maintains a childcare program which assures affirmative steps will be taken to protect all children from abuse or neglect while under the care and supervision of the school. If abuse or neglect is suspected, the proper authorities will be notified.

Disaster Plan
If a disaster occurs which forces the school to evacuate, children in Suite 214 will be taken to Suite 202 or vice versa. If we are forced to evacuate the entire area, depending on the type of disaster, we will go to Bluegrass Preschool and Childcare Center, Tully Elementary, the Court House on Watterson Trail, or to the J-Town Community Center. Parents will be notified as soon as possible via Brightwheel and/or phone calls. Transportation used will be the safest and most appropriate available, depending on the disaster. It is VERY important to keep Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers up to date.
When to Miss School

Please have a back up system.  A relative, a neighbor or a friend that will step in during an illness.  You child WILL become sick at some point, whether they attend Preschool or stay in a home environment.  

When your child says she doesn’t fell well, should you keep her home from school? First, ask yourself, “If my child were healthy, would I want her near someone with these symptoms?”

Fever: If a child has a fever of 100.5 degrees or higher, or her temperature is below 100.5, but she is achy, pale or tired
Tummy Ache: Two/three episodes of vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Sneezing/Runny Nose: Running nose that won’t stop, discolored discharge, extreme sneezing
Sore Throat: Tender, swollen glands accompanied by a fever, complaints of a sore throat
Cough: Frequent coughing, coughing up phlegm, or barking cough and/or wheezing
Earache: Pain is constant or severe (a sign of otitis media)  Drainage of the ears without explanation (ie; no tubes)
Rash: A blistering rash or one that develops pus, which could sign of Hand,Food & Mouth, Chicken Pox or Impetigo
Pink Eye: Runny eyes, white of eye is irritated and/or red. Crusted, oozing or discharge.  Highly contagious. Pull down bottom eyelid and look for irritation/very red color on the inside of the bottom eyelid.

Please note that if these symptoms occur during school hours, a parent/guardian will be notified immediately and expected to pick up your child within one hour. Per State Regulations, children must be kept out of school for 24 hours after child is symptom free WITHOUT medicine.
Prescription medication must be authorized by your Doctor and be accompanied with the prescription label. You must fill out a Medical Authorization each day that your child is required to have medication. If more than one child is taking the medication, each child’s name and dosage MUST be on the label.

If your child is taking an Over-the-counter medication, your child’s appropriate dose MUST be on the label. We cannot administer medications that read “Consult your Phy-sician” without a written note from your doctor.

All medicines must be age and weight appropriate as recorded on the bottle/container.  Otherwise a Doctor's note will be required.  

Emergency Medical Care
Any accident or illness occurring that requires more attention than a staff member can give will be handled as follows:

EMS will be called immediately.
Parent or guardian will be notified. If they cannot be reached, we will notify the list of people listed on your enrollment application.
If he child must be taken to the hospital, a staff member will accompany the child until a parent arrives.
It is very important for parents to keep names, phone numbers and addresses up to date. Should a parent change any information, including jobs, please request a “Change of Information” form as soon as possible.

Financial Policies
Registration fees are due when you enroll your child in order to hold their place in our program. This fee is non-refundable.

Childcare payments are tuitional and are due by Tuesday (or on the first day of the child’s normal week). Bi-weekly or monthly payments made in advance can be arranged. There is a ten-dollar ($10) late fee for payments received after Tuesday at 6:00pm and a fifteen ($15) late fee for payments received after Wednesday at 6:00pm. Late fees are weekly and will continue to accrue until balance is paid in full.

Tuition is due whether your child attends all or zero of the days for which they are enrolled. Vacations must be arranged two weeks in advance (see Vacations).

There is a $25 fee for all returned checks. Returned checks must be replaced with cash immediately.

If you pay with cash, please attempt to pay with the exact amount. We rarely have cash for change on the premises.

If your child is out of school for two weeks or more, there is a $300 fee to hold their spot in class. You must notify us at least two weeks in advance. If the fee is not paid, we may fill your child’s spot.

We ask that if or when you decide to leave J-Town Preschool, you allow for a two-week notice.
Items Needed to Enroll Your Child
  1. Registration Fee
  2. Immunization Certification
  3. Crib Sheet
  4. Child’s SSN and Insurance Information
  5. Recent photo of your child
  6. Change of clothes
  7. Diapers/Pull-ups/Wipes
  8. Blanket or beach towel
Change of clothes should be appropriate for the season. It is not necessary to bring a diaper bag each day. We will notify you when we need additional supplies.

Helpful Hints
  1. Occasionally things will occur outside of school that will worry or upset your child. Please inform your teachers to the best of your ability so that he/she can be more sensitive to the situation.
  2. Let us know when you plan to pick up your child early, especially during naptime, so that we may prepare your child for your arrival.
  3. Please ALWAYS call or send a Brightwheel message when your child will be out of school so we may plan for our day (lunch, teacher staffing, etc.)
  4. It is important for the teachers to be free at all times for the best interest of the children. Please try not to have lengthy discussions with his/her teacher during drop-off or pick-up. If you wish to talk with your teachers in great detail, please make an appointment so that he/she will be free to spend a greater amount of time with you.
  5. If your child has a behavior problem, we will contact you. Do not be concerned over an occasional bad day.
"Whose child is this?" I ask, one day
seeing a little one out to play.
"Mine" said the parent with a tender smile,
"Mine to keep for a little while.
To bathe his hands and comb his hair.
To tell him what he is to wear.
To prepare him that he may always be good 
and each day to do the things he should."

"Whose child is this?" I ask, again?
"Mine" said the teacher with the same tender smile,
as the door opened and someone came in.
"Mine to keep just a little while.
To teach him how to be gentle and kind, 
to train and direct his sweet little mind.
To help him live by the Golden Rule
and get the best he can from school."

"Whose child is this?" I asked, once more,
just as the little one entered the door.
"Ours", said the parent and teacher as they smiled
and each took the hand of the little child.
"Ours to love and train together,
Our this blessed task forever."

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